

The number of international students looking to study in the United States continues to grow as more and more universities also look to welcome these students onto their campuses.

例如,正规的网赌平台欢迎 三百年 2022年春季新增注册人数, and approximately twenty percent of our student population is comprised of international students.

然而,, there are crucial tasks and requirements international students must fulfill before being able to study in the US, 比如获得美国学生签证.

Let’s look at a student study visa and how international students can be deemed eligible and apply for a student visa, with a particular focus on the process at 正规的网赌平台.


一般来说, 外国公民:外国公民, 包括有抱负的国际学生, 谁希望进入美国必须首先获得签证.

美国为国际学生提供奖学金 非移民学生签证, 也就是F-1签证,  which allows them to enter the US and study full-time at US institutions 认证 by the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP). This is the most popular type of student visa that students will apply for once they 满足要求,申请,并被接受 进入美国认可的学院或大学.

The duration of an F-1 visa will vary depending on the degree program an international student enrolls in, and this date will be provided on the I-20 form by the college or university. I-20 form requirements will also vary depending on the institution.

For example, at 正规的网赌平台, all international students must demonstrate financial ability to support the cost of attendance for one year of studies by providing a financial statement for international students (FSIS) or an affidavit of support by a notary or bank official and a bank statement or bank letter demonstrating a minimum balance to cover the cost of the program in liquid funds within six months of the I-20 being issued.

还有其他的 签证的选择 对国际学生开放, 比如F-2签证, which allows holders to study part-time if they have dependents. That said, the F-1 visa is still the most robust and popular option for international students.

Please note that students should always discuss the process and whether it is legal to study at their desired school with the 学校的国际招生办公室 to ensure that they adhere to all the laws and regulations and fulfill all requirements.

准备好开始了? Learn more about UB’s international admission process 今天!


For full-time international students planning to apply for an F-1 student visa, there are many rules and requirements you must follow and meet.

Step 1: Apply and be accepted by a Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) Institution

Students must apply and be accepted to a US student and exchange visitor program (SVEP)-approved school that will, 反过来, 向学生提供I-20表格, which is needed to make their visa appointment with their embassy.

国际学生入学要求 will vary depending on the college or university as well as specific degree program. In addition to the proof of funding requirement mentioned above, interested international students at 正规的网赌平台 must submit:

  • 填妥的申请表(不收取申请费)
  • 学习成绩, 包括所有官方, 公证, 认证, or attested copies of all senior secondary/high school records (Std C (SSC), 第十二类(HSC), O水平, 一个水平, WAEC, 科学家, IB, 等.)
  • Proof of English proficiency dated within the last two years (TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo, and PTE)
  • At least one letter of recommendation from professors or employers
  • 个人陈述或论文
  • 当前护照个人简历页复印件

Step 2: Pay the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) fee and make a visa interview appointment

When an international student is accepted into their desired school and obtains their I-20 form, they are ready to pay the student and exchange visitor information system fee (SEVIS).

下一个, students will need to fill out the online non-immigrant visa 正规的网赌平台程序 form DS-160 as well as upload a photo on the DS-160 form.

然后, students will be ready to schedule and attend their visa interview at the US Embassy in the country in which they reside. 面试时间会因地点而异, 季节, 签证类别, 所以学生应该尽快这样做.


By looking at required documents and interviewing candidates, interviewers will determine if the applicant is a bona fide student, 有经济能力, 并希望在完成学业后回国. 他们不会想永久留在美国.


  • 表现出成熟和独立的形象.
  • 直视面试官的眼睛.
  • 说专业.
  • Explain clearly why you enrolled in your particular program and why you need to do it in the US.
  • State your plans upon graduation and returning home (even if you do not know).

Step 4: Be approved, attend school, and maintain your status as a F-1 student visa holder

在理想的情况下, 面试结束后, 你会被批准的, 支付签证保险费, and be ready to go through a US port-of-entry to study at your chosen college or university.

Maintaining one’s student visa status is equally important. 一定要带好护照, i - 94卡, I-20表格一直有效, 注册为全日制学生, and do not accept any employment without specific authorization from the International Center for Students and Scholars.

正规的网赌平台 boasts a global character that creates an environment where international students can 学习和生活 in an environment that is reflective of the real world and be the place to foster lifelong relationships and personal growth.

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